the project

On the occasion of its 20 years of activity DART Chiostro del Bramante has produced the exhibition “LOVE, contemporary art meets love” dedicated to the universal feeling of love and its many forms and manifestations. Zeranta intervenes in “LOVE” revolutionizing and transforming the concept of audioguide: from one-dimensional use of the exhibition path to an involving and intimate sensory experience.


The most classic of the tools for museum fruition is thus transformed into five audio-stories so that each guest can live his or her own exhibition itinerary in an exclusive relationship with the artworks, another dimension, that is, the loving one with the “partner” guide chosen among the five proposed: five different itineraries, five views of as many well-known personalities different in terms of culture, geography, historical context and lived dimension.


The visitor puts on his headphones and chooses his “Chiostro Love Experience” among the voices of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Amy Winehouse, Lilly and the Vagabond, David Bowie and Coco Chanel. Five partners whose identity is not immediately revealed to the visitor who, with a gamification experience, will have to discover it through the clues sown along the way.

Following the success of this exhibition, which registered in six months the attendance of over 150 thousand visitors, the collaboration with the Chiostro del Bramante for the exhibition “ENJOY, art meets fun” is renewed. An exhibition made with works by great protagonists of the twentieth century and contemporary art that elaborate the theme of fun, in the etymological meaning of the word “bring elsewhere”, beyond the rules, aesthetic and formal canons established, even through provocation.


Zeranta continues to revolutionize the audio guide, transforming it into a time machine and bringing the museum on stage as an object of theatrical representation.


How old do you want to be today? At what age do you want to have fun?

This is the question that will lead visitors to choose their personal audio guide among 4 different narrations:
– Age of the Puddle
– Age of disobedience
– Age of apparent seriousness
– Age of wisdom

The choice is the real protagonist of the change of perspective with which to live the exhibition: no longer guided by a neutral and impersonal voice, the visitor can decide which journey of knowledge to take, free to admire the works through the enchanted gaze of a child, the hesitancy and will to live of an adolescent, the rationality and awareness of an adult or the wisdom of a grandfather.

The audioguides of Zeranta Edutainment are the result of workshops and interviews with people of different ages who, in front of each work, told the emotions they felt and their personal relationship with the theme of fun.

LOVE, , 29.09.2016 / 05.03. 2017


ENJOYart meets fun 23.09.2017 / 25.02.2018