THE project
A coach of the National Women’s Fencing Team, a kundalini yoga teacher, a cook for celiacs, a tour guide and a butcher expert in cutting meat: What are they doing on ClassNOW?
These are just a few of the many freelance professionals who, following the measures taken for the arrival of the Covid-19, have been looking for new solutions to continue their activities by transferring them from the classroom, the gym, the hall of a museum to a virtual space and transforming them into video livestreaming lessons.
ClassNOW is the platform at their service that helps them to organize courses and lessons, to create an effective tool to communicate them to their students or to promote them on social networks and then proceed quickly to the purchase, providing them all the administrative support necessary to keep track of receipts and invoices, payment checks, the drafting of periodic reports.
ClassNOW provides all of them with a support tutor to help them reorganize their courses, learn how to make the best use of the available technology and become true digital trainers.
ClassNOW is what you need to start again, the right platform at the right time.
Back to be free to teach and free to learn.